DRW/RTA project goals

Disabled Refugees Welcome (DRW) is part of the Independent Living Institute (ILI)

The project’s mission

Mutual Integration and the Right to Work (RTA) is a project run by the Independent Living Institute (ILI) and funded by the General Heritage Fund.

The project is intended to build on the experiences from ILI’s previous project Disabled Refugees Welcome, DRW, (2017-2020). Just as in DRW, RTA wants to contribute to an improvement of the integration process for migrants with disabilities, but in RTA access to work is in focus.

An important concept in the project is intersectionality – the  obstacles and discrimination faced as both a migrant and a person having a disability. The experience from DRW says that in networks with a focus on disability law issues there is a lack of knowledge about being a migrant and vice versa that in networks with a focus on migration there is a lack of knowledge about having a disability. One of the project’s most important goals is therefore to raise awareness in these networks.

Intersectionality is an analytical perspective that wants to draw attention to how relationships of superiority and subordination are created and maintained in interaction between e.g. race / ethnicity, gender, gender variations, class, age, sexuality and religion. Intersectionality refers to the study of discrimination and oppression in the cut or intersection (English intersection) between power relations.

Source: Wikipedia

Project goals:

Employability and work

Through collaboration with the target group, local networks, labor market actors, labor law organizations and others, support the target group in their daily lives for increased opportunities for employability and work

Awareness and knowledge in integration and the labor market

Increasing knowledge both in the target group and actors in the labor market area that lead to mutual integration with the right to work in focus;


To provide the opportunity for empowerment so that individuals can grow in their identity as a person with norm-breaking functionality;

Knowledge of Swedish civil society

To increase knowledge of Swedish civil society so that the target group can see the importance of commitment and better conditions for increasing their social networks, and entrances to the labor market;

Support persons

To train the target group around the country to be able to be support persons for other migrants with norm-breaking functionality in need of support in the integration process and access to the labor market. Support persons must also be able to train authorities and other actors in the migration area about the situation and living conditions of migrants with non-normative functionality.

Collaborations with local networks

To collaborate with local networks that can support the target group in their daily lives and increase the opportunity for employability and work

Increase awareness of mutual integration

To educate authorities and other actors about mutual integration and the importance of rights, disabilities, intersectional and health promotion perspectives.

Mentorship activities

To develop a mentorship activities that can contribute to increased autonomy and drive among the target group;

Mobile clinics – a new outreach activity

To develop and implement local mobile clinics, which means that project employees together with other experts in functional law and migration, people from the local